Creating safe spaces to explore ourselves and the world around us
Part of the Deviant experience is empowering Black and Brown queer people with the self-esteem to take better care of their health & wellness.
In our efforts to reduce harm as people explore their interests and kinks, we provide access to health information, precautions around substance use, and safer sexual practices.
What is drug safety?
Drug Safety is a spectrum of strategies that meets people who use substances “where they’re at,” and addresses conditions of use along with the use itself; including safer use, managed use, abstinence, resources to counter overdose and addiction.
The goal of Drug Safety with Deviant is to educate our attendees and our community on the safest ways to explore their individual curiosities and interests.
We do not use the terminology “Harm Reduction” because it is ineffective behavioral intervention. “Harm” assumes harsh & negative experiences for all substance users and contributes to stigma and shame that encourage unsafe and unhealthy practices.
Our Code of Conduct:
Drug Safety is all about making informed decisions. If you decide to engage in risky behavior or decide to experiment with drugs and/or sex, get INFORMATION on it FIRST. Please consult with healthcare professionals.
Stay hydrated. It is important. If you choose to experiment with “party drugs” understand that many dehydrate your body.
Do NOT mix substances.
Communicate, communicate, communicate.
Openly discuss what drugs you’re currently on with others. If it is your first time trying a drug, go slow.
Get connected.
Have fun.